Available measurement device plug-ins for PosterJet 8.7.5

Please update printer or measurement plug-ins only through the “Media and printer Update” from the “Tools” menu of the PosterJet Clients. If the PosterJet PC does not have an internet connection you can select any plug-in from this list (check for corresponding PosterJet version). Please follow the installation instructions in the PosterJet Support Guide before you begin:

Measurement Devices Page
Measurement Device plugins WIN CLIENT
CanonSpectroSU21 V8.6.2.0
DTP20 V8.0.0.0
DTP45 V8.0.0.0
DTP70 V8.0.0.0
EyeOne/EyeOnePro V8.6.2.1
i1iO V8.0.0.0
i1iSis V8.7.6.0
i1PRO3 V8.7.5.9
ICColor V8.0.0.0
NullDevice V8.0.0.0
SpectroLFP V8.0.0.0
SpectroProofer V8.0.0.0
SpectroScan V8.0.0.0
SpectroSwing V8.5.0.0
ZX100 V8.0.0.0
ZX100Split V8.0.0.0